Dr. Robert Bliss and his wife, Sharon
Brother Bliss was saved while on a cruise in the U. S NAVY with VA-66 aboard the USS Forrestal in January 1970. God called him to preach in November 1972 while stationed at NAS Atlanta, Atlanta, GA. During several cruises aboard aircraft carriers, he conducted Bible studies preaching and ministering to the needs of deployed sailors. Upon retiring from the Navy in 1982, after almost 23 years of service to his country, Brother Bliss attended Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Fl. where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Church Ministries. He then worked as the Director of The Military Christian Home in Hinesville, Ga. for about a year in order to stabilize the ministry after the unexpected death of the previous director. After that experience, he and his family went to Rawlins, Wyoming where he pastored Victory Baptist Church for over six years. Then in Pocatello, ID, he pastored Pioneer Bible Baptist Church for about 17 months in order to stabilize that ministry after the home going of their pastor.
Dr. Bliss ministered in Southern California for about 7 1/2 years. In January 1998, he founded Heritage Baptist Church in Santee, CA. During his pastoring duties at HBC, he earned both his Masters and Doctorate in Theology by correspondence from Andersonville Baptist Seminary in Camilla, GA. He has now ministered full time as Director of OPBM for over 13 years.
He is now the Director of "Old Paths" Baptist Ministries, which is a ministry designed to encourage and challenge pastors and people to remain true to the "Old Paths" of the KJV Bible and its tenants. During the last 15 years, they have been able to visit and present "Old Paths" Baptist Ministries to dozens of churches in at least 15 states. Brother Bliss has preached Faith Promise Mission’s conferences, KJV conferences, family conferences, and has filled the pulpits in many of local, independent, fundamental, Baptist churches. They simply try to be a help and not a hindrance. The Blisses have also been able to open up their home and provide a place of refuge for missionaries, pastors, evangelists, and others in need of a place to stay. Dr. Bliss believes that OPBM’s ministry will strengthen and encourage both pastor and people to stay in the "old paths" that God commands in the first part of Jeremiah 6:16.
Dr. Bliss and his wife, Sharon, were married August 3, 1962. They have three children, 8 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. Having personally experienced the joys and tribulations of several small churches, Brother and Mrs. Bliss recognize the needs of these unique groups. During many years of ministry, they have attended CLA legal seminars and other Christian training classes which have enriched their knowledge of the diverse needs of local Baptist churches.

Jeff, Monica, and Austin Laubach
Brother Laubach was saved in August of 2007, in Cherryville Pennsylvania. Brother Laubach served in the Prison Ministry from 2008 to 2010 in Carbon County, Pennsylvania. In 2010 Brother Laubach and his family relocated to Colorado Springs, Colorado. He began attending Ellicott Baptist Church, Ellicott Colorado. Ellicott Colorado is now where he and his family reside, since 2012. While attending Ellicott Baptist Church he was able to attend Faith Bible Institute, a 3year college level course where Pastor John Yates goes verse by verse, through all the books of the Bible and includes theology classes as well. It was during this study the Lord called Brother Laubach to the Ministry in 2013. After speaking with his Pastor, John McKenzie, they decided to pray and see what the Lords will was. It was in a class/study on Moses, Exodus 17, when the Pastor, John Yates began talking about the need to hold Moses hands up, and the illustration of how men are needed to hold up the arms of our Pastors that it was made clear, Brother Laubach knew his calling was for a ministry of helps, including pulpit supply.
Brother Laubach, attended Andersonville Theological Seminary and recieved his Bachelor’s Degree inMinistry. Brother Laubach also continues to serve in Ellicott with their children’s ministry, as well as filling in for Pastor at the Pulpit, teaching adult Sunday School, and the Young Adults Sunday School classes. In October 2016, Brother Laubach reached out to speak with Brother Bliss, OPBM’s Director, to gather information on doing Pulpit Supply, not knowing that Brother Bliss was praying for God to send someone, so when he was no longer able to minister or act as director of OPBM, his work for the lost souls of this world, would not go to waste, as they met and discussed this “timing” of this meeting, they chose to pray to see if Brother Laubach was the answer to Brother Bliss’s prayer.
From October 2016 to present, Brother Laubach has been assisting OPBM with website work, media work, and graphic design, recently it was decided for Brother Laubach to step into a more active role, he is now also serving OPBM through preaching and teaching.
Brother Laubach and his wife Monica were married November 22, 1997. They have two children, a son Austin, and a Daughter Dallas,Son-in-Law Sam, 3 amazing grandchildren. They are excited to serve and help in any capacity the Lord presents them with